
WORLD READ ALOUD DAY 2023!! (Feb. 1, 2023)

It’s time to plan for World Read Aloud Day (WRAD) 2023! I can’t wait to spend the day zooming into classrooms and reading books to students. This is absolutely one of my favorite days of the year. Here is my handy dandy sign-up sheet for WRAD 2023. Snag a spot, and I will contact you with…


**UPDATE** We have an #IAmADuskExplorer giveaway winner: Becky Kidd! Congratulations!! ************************************************************ We are nearing a surreal launch day for DUSK EXPLORERS (illustrated by Ellen Rooney/published by Page Street Kids), a picture book about those summertime evenings when you’ve just finished dinner and race out the front door to meet up with all of your neighborhood…

The Scurry Treat

Hi all! Long time, no blog. But what better way to get back into it than to create a little Halloween story for a contest. And I’m being quite literal about the “little”. Below is my spooky submission for Susanna Leonard Hill’s 9th Annual Halloweensie Writing Contest. It’s such a fun way to challenge yourself…


NOVA THE STAR EATER is noshing on tasty stars a little beyond our galaxy. But on May 21, 2019, she’ll be here! Watch out, SUN! I’m thrilled to have another book coming out with Page Street Kids and beyond-the-stars happy that the super-talented and space-obsessed John Taesoo Kim illustrated it! You’ll fall in love with…

Things I Learned from the Launch

Wow, I can’t believe it’s almost been a month since THIS BOOK IS SPINELESS (Page Street Kids, illustrated by Alice Brereton) hit the shelves. I can barely remember the last month because of all the activity, plus my mind took a while to catch up to what just went down. Here are some of the things…

A New Deal

I’m excited to share the news of my third picture book coming out Spring 2020 with Page Street Kids titled WANTED: DUSK RAIDERS and am thrilled to work once again with editor Charlotte Wenger. I can’t wait to see what illustrator Ellen Rooney does with my words. Can’t. Wait. This story was inspired by my…

This Book Is Spineless: Available for Pre-order!!

I’ve had many moments when I’ve shed tears during the process of becoming a children’s author. Rejections…check. A request for an R&R (revise and resubmit)…check. An offer…check. An agent…check. More book deals…check. Just the thought of being able to one day hold a printed, hardback copy of my book in my hands reduced me to…