Books and Pie and Books and Pie

Hi folks! Welcome to my mash-up blog of two of the things I adore in life — children’s books and pie. Yes, I also adore my husband and my children, etc., etc., but that type of content might put you to sleep. So, welcome to my inaugural blog post of what the heck A Book and A Pie will be.

IMG_20160811_165822154So why children’s books? Well, I write them. And as I travel down the path to (knock-on-wood) publication, I will post about children’s books I have read and my children have read here and let you know what we think of them. I’ll cover picture books on up to middle grade. Anything beyond that, well, I might sneak in a few that are for adults, because sometimes I have to adult.

Now for the pies. My kids and I will select a pie we think best represents the book we just reviewed. We’ll bake it, provide the recipe and then most likely eat it. We would share, but Willy Wonka’s Television Chocolate camera never came to fruition.

SO why pies? Well, I love them, as I’ve mentioned before, and I can vividly remember tasting my mom’s chocolate meringue pie for the first time and becoming obsessed with its scrumptiousness. That led me to open a pie company many years back. That business has since shuttered, but my passion for pies lives on.

I hope you find this blog fun, informative, silly and tasty (because you tried the recipes, not because you licked the screen). Please feel free to share your thoughts on books and pie, because, as far as I’m concerned, that’s what makes the world go round. Read and nosh, read and nosh!

4 Responses to “Books and Pie and Books and Pie”

    • Lindsay

      I would suggest reading the Moon Pie Pie over eating it. Talk about sugar overload. Sheesh! The kids are bouncing all the way to the moon after just one slice.


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