This Is Dedicated to…

So, I’m in the throes of writing the dedication for THIS BOOK IS SPINELESS (Winter 2019). I’ve decided that each of my children will have a book dedicated to them. No sharing. Problem: who gets the first book? DOH! Am I going to have to pick a favorite among my children? I jest. Fortunately, I have a great connection between the first book and one child, as well as a strong connection between the second book (NOVA THE STAR EATER) and the other kiddo.

I was quite nervous when telling them my decision–that one of them would be first. I didn’t know how they would react. Would there be tantrums? Would there be tears? Would they absolutely not care at all? I dunno. I was really curious. Whatever their reaction, it was important to me to give each of them my focus and my full thanks for their constant inspiration in my creative life. Luckily, my kids were very gracious, understanding, and agreeable. I did not hear one, “Moooooooom, that’s not fair!” In fact, the exchange went way too smoothly, and now I’m suspicious. As for coming up with the words that adequately express my feels and are worthy of a dedication…that’s another story.